Thursday, September 26, 2013

September 26th 2013

Dear Diary,
Is procrastination really the steal of time? Lol! I know what is going through your minds right now, 'is she ok', 'is she drunk', 'didn't she read what she just wrote'? Lol, don't worry your reactions are all normal.

I can still see my face, mentally that is, when my kid sisters came home from school on a holiday. A reverend sister in their school had made that mistake while addressing the school. I laughed my head off when I heard it, and we still use it to get some laughs up till this day. Hilarious right, lol, I knew it would catch your attention.

Anyway, back to the issue at hand, is procrastination really the thief of time?
I have been away from both my blogs for a few weeks now and the reason is not too far from procrastination and lack of who to interview. For my Abj loving, Abuja Living blog it has more to do with lack of young people to interview and lack of inspiration to write. Thats sad, considering the fact that the blog would be a year in two days. As for this blog, it has more to do with procrastination. *covers face*.

I have a lot of ideas just sitting there waiting to be developed but for some reason, I keep putting them of. I keep saying oh, when I get home, when I get home I say 'oh let me rest', when I am rested I say 'oh let me eat'. When I eat, my next excuse is to watch a little tv while resting. Before I know it, its time for bed and I wake up the next morning and the circle repeats itself. And just like that, I have lost the whole of September to procrastination, the last time I posted anything on any of the blogs was on the second of this month.

I think I can pinpoint where exactly my problem lies; whenever I have things to do I tend to plan my life and everything has a certain time when it gets to be done. But after I stopped going to work during the court vacation in August, I just went into a 'downward spiral', I just wanted to say that, LOL. I noticed that when I was busy with school and work, I was more productive on my blogs, but the moment I found myself with extra time, it just kept getting easier to keep pushing whatever I had to do now to another time.

I now know what to do, I plan my day. I take pen to paper, or fingers to my iPad and map out my entire day. And whenever I have an idea, no matter where I am, I write it down, whether its on a piece of paper, my iPad, my phones, my laptop, whatever I find, I use.

So is procrastination really the thief of time? Yes it is.

Picture from 8 Ways to Get Rid Of Procrastination in Your Daily Business Tasks

Love always,

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