Thursday, May 2, 2013

1st May 2013

Dear diary,
Today started on a really beautiful note, I got the result of some tests that I had done back and I am so glad everything is normal, such a beautiful way to start the new month right?
So I had to do a blood sugar test first, apparently they saw too much sugar in my urine and the had to do a blood sugar test to make sure I am not diabetic, thankfully I am not. But i take it as a sign that I have to reduce my sugar intake not only because I am trying to lose weight but because I have to start taking care of myself better, this is the second time I have had to run this test in the last one year, if that is not a wake up call I wonder what is. If the fear of diabetes is not enough, then the fear of that needle that had to sit in my hand for what seemed like five minutes and the amount  of blod the had to take from me is enough to stop my sugar intake.
The second test I had to take was a HIV test, it has been a year and two months since I broke up with my ex, I have handed in my dissertation, so I have been thinking a lot of the next chapter in my life. I have given thoughts to starting a relationship, and I decided that before I started one I had to be sure of my status. Anyway so I went for an HIV test again and Mr needle had to come out again, anyway unlike in Nigeria where you get your result on the same day, this oyibo people and their funny ways, you have to wait a week and if you don't hear from them then you are ok. Worst one week of my life, coupled with the fact that I had to hand in my dissertation that same week, I was a mess basically, thankfully I was already done wit the dissertation. Anyway a week passed and didn't hear from them, good news right, not for me oh, I had to hear it from the doctor's lips that I was ok. So i rang the clinic up early this morning and the doctor gave me the good news herself.
Its my last day in Cambridge, while I am homesick, I am definitely going to miss my friends, Freda, Musho, Randy and Amina. Freda is a Ghanian and she is about to marry her "boo-boo", who is British, so seeing her is gonna be tougher than seeing Amina, Randy and Musho who are Nigerians. So I am torn between staying out my Visa till September and going home, but I have a lot of dreams that I can only pursue at home, so I am heading home.
Spent the rest of the day at the library, the went over to see Freda and Randy with my sister, after which we went home to go pack my stuff. I am leaving Cambridge tomorrow so it is officially my last night here.
Lesson of the day:
Instead of just sitting around worrying and being scared of if you are healthy or not, take the bold step of seeing a Dr, I read about a girl who had already confirmed herself HIV positive without even smelling the gate of a hospital. Don't put yourself through such pain and risk, she began living a promiscuos life because she assumed she already had the killer disease. Take the test and leave the rest to God, i did, at some point during the period that i had to wait, i started asking God for courage to live with whatever the result was. I am glad everything turned out ok, but if the didn't, I knew I had God on my team.

Love always,

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